Monday 8 June 2015

It's been a long time

I'm back!
Due to a busy schedule and me not feeling like myself I just didn't have the energy to keep up with this blog. Luckily, I feel a lot better now and decided to come back to this blog.

 Because of a project at college I started to eat more healthy! Not that I always do it, 'cause nothing beats a pizza every now and then. Anywho, I started to eat more fruit and drink more water. I stopped with drinking so much water very soon. Toiletvisit after toiletvisit just aren't my thing. But I am trying to keep up with the fruit eating thing!

 I've been an intern in a kindergartenclass for almost a whole schoolyear now and although I don't want to be a kindergarten teacher, I have to say that I love these kids. They give me so much energy and it feels so good when they tell you they like you! And we all know young kids will always tell the truth. That is not true though, these kids can lie like it costs them no effort at all. It's a shame that I am only there for 2 days and have to spent my other 3 days at college. I would much rather just be there every day! But plenty of time for that when I'm graduated!

 So another very big decision I recently made is one that concerns dancing. I have loved Irish dancing for years and always had fun dancing. I had a couple of short breaks because of injuries and the pressure to compete that I couldn't take. But for months I had not liked going to class, I even dreaded going there. And I found myself making up excuses why I would not have to go to dance class. I went once a month at most. For some reason I just didn't enjoy myself anymore. And having to go to dance class actually made me feel sad. After conversations with my mom I decided it would be better to quit dancing until at least after the summer holidays. Right now I don't know if I will come back to it. I mean Irish dancing will always be a part of my life and I honestly hope my children (future children) will take Irish dancing lessons. Because for years it was the thing that kept me going and it was my passion. I also have made so many new friends because of dancing. International friends that I would otherwise have never even met. So the next few months I will just think about what I want to do, if I want to come back and if I want to start competing again. My teacher wants me in the teams for the World Championships. And I feel honoured because of that but I don't know wheter that would be a good idea. So that's it for now! I will try to post more often from now on!

Love, Demi

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